I'm disappointed in McCain's choice for vice president this morning. At first I thought if it couldn't be Romney, it's nice that it is a woman. The more I think of it, I don't think she has the leadership experience, economic experience, or foreign policy experience to be president if McCain dies (something to be considered because of McCain's age). Her only credentials, other than two years as governor of Alaska, is that she is a solid conservative. She can't contribute to solving the economic woes of the country. Romney would have been a solid choice capable of taking over the presidency if necessary. McCain's choice seems to go along with his reputation of being a maverik.
P.S. Suzanne, I just read your email with Glenn Beck's comments; hopefully everything will be fine. http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/14589/
New Adventure, New Blog
11 years ago
I know, my mom is disappointed as well. I do think McCain did not have a fondness for Romney at all which would make it an uncomfortable pick for him personally, and Romney also comes with some "baggage" (their view that he "flip-flopped" and I don't believe McCain really cares for our religion) and the democrats would have had a field day attacking Romney. I also think that with Romney standing next to McCain, Romney looks more presidential and I think McCain believes some would have said "Why didn't we vote him (Romney)as our nominee instead!?". Romney looks and acts more presidential and McCain doesn't want to compete with that. He wants to be the star and Romney would crowd him. I know many republicans are disappointed.
P.S. I am hopeful she will do well. I did like her speech this morning. I'm just happy it's not Mike Hucabee!
Amen that it's not Mike Huckabee.
I am actually kind of excited about her. I realize her lack of experience is a big challenge, but she has still made a big impression within these last 2 years as governor. The other thing she adds to McCain's campaign is a youthfulness and excitement that I don't think Pawlenty or even Romney would have added. I actually think if she and McCain play their cards right, she could be a real benefit. Time will tell how she does in debates etc.
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