Swine Flu
I don’t know about the effectiveness of the swine flu quarantine, but I think it’s the only thing the government knows to do. Swine flu didn’t enter Mongolia until the middle of October. Within a month there were almost a thousand confirmed cases. To date there have been more than 1000 confirmed cases and 18 deaths. Mongolia has a very small population. There are only 3 million people in the entire country with one-half of the population in Ulaanbaatar. The population of Mongolia is about 1% that of the U.S.
I think a lot of the concern about swine flu is due to the country’s limited health care resources. Flu vaccines have not arrived yet, and there is no Tami Flu. Also the health care facilities are not equipped to handle an epidemic.
The schools in Mongolia had a fall holiday; it was extended two weeks for the quarantine. Students 6th grade and up are returning to school on Monday (Nov. 23). We still cannot hold Church meetings or have big gatherings or events which children will attend. We will resume Addiction Recovery meetings this Tuesday. However with the loss of momentum, I’m not sure how many will come to the Addiction Recovery meeting.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Although there is still a quarantine, we decided we could feed our missionaries on Thanksgiving Day since there are no children involved. We’ll have the missionaries immediately come into the building so it doesn’t look like a large crowd is congregating. Thanksgiving Day on Thursday is also Mongolian Independence Day. We will serve Thanksgiving Dinner around 12:30 pm to all of the missionaries in Ulaanbaatar and Nalaikh. I believe we’ll feed about 100 people. No turkey; we will substitute pork.
Food assignments were passed out to the senior couples. Wes made 8 dozen rolls yesterday (I believe 3 people are making rolls). We also cooked 2 large pork roasts as part of our assignment, and Wednesday I’ll make 3 pans of jello.
It’s hard for us to realize it’s Thanksgiving and almost December. The months keep rolling on. We have been on our mission 7 months out of the 18 months.
We still are not having any success with visas for new American missionaries. We were promised a letter last Monday, but they’re stalling and we haven’t seen the letter.
Senior Couple Activities
Last weekend (Fri. Nov. 13) we had the Whitmans come over and play Ticket to Ride with us. A previous missionary couple had left the game here. On Saturday (Nov. 14) the senior couples got together and played games. Sister Andersen made great caramel corn. If you want the recipe, let me know.
Wednesday the Woolseys from Hong Kong who are with Deseret International Charities were in town so we all went out to eat at an Indian Restaurant near the Bayanzurkh building.
Yesterday we went to a Christmas craft show at the American housing. I bought a couple of Christmas items so I’d think it is Christmas here. In the evening we and the Caldwells were invited to the Whitmans for a pleasant evening with a dinner of wonderful Mexican soup.
Sacrament Services
Last Sunday and this Sunday we held a sacrament service at the Caldwell’s apartment. They turned their furniture around so it looked like the room was set up for a meeting. These small meetings are wonderful and filled with the Spirit. The Bouldin family joined us (he works at the U.S. Embassy). They have a 14-year old son who passed the sacrament to us. Wes gave a talk on forgiveness with stories illustrating the principle.
Elder Whitman gave a talk on Gen. 3:15 / Moses 4:21, “... He (Jesus Christ) shall bruise (crush) thy (Satan’s) head, and thou (Satan) shalt bruise his heel.” Bruising a heel is not fatal, but crushing a head is. In the atonement Satan bruised Christ as Christ took upon himself our sins (Isa. 53:5). But as a result of the atonement Christ will overcome sin and vanquish Satan (Rom. 16:20 and Heb. 2:14). Thus the creation story in Genesis is the first Biblical prophecy of the Savior’s atonement.
Missionary Work
Although we can’t attend our Sukhbaatar Branch and meet with the people in the branch, the missionaries are teaching many lessons. Some lessons have been taught in our apartment. By having the missionaries teach in our apartment we can feel the spirit with which they teach. It has been a blessing for us.
There is a new group of 20 Mongolian elders and sisters starting their mission this coming week. They will enter the Manilla MTC on Sat. Nov. 28. Because of the quarantine we won’t be able to hold a new missionary fireside this coming Tuesday night.
President’s Family
President and Sister Andersen’s daughter Alice has come to visit with her 3-month old baby boy. She’s been here a week. Her husband came in today, and they’ll be here one more week. It’s fun to have a baby in the mission. Last Tuesday I had the privilege of babysitting Josiah for a couple of hours while Sister Andersen and Alice went out.
New Adventure, New Blog
11 years ago
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